Housing & Shelter

4 06, 2021

Living in Niagara-2020 report

2021-06-11T10:54:28-04:00June 4, 2021|Arts, Culture & Heritage, Community Belonging, Community Safety, Economic Prosperity, Environment, Health & Wellness, Housing & Shelter, Learning & Education, People Getting Started (2008 – 2017), Recreation & Sports, Resources & Publications, Transportation & Mobility, Work & Employment|

The Living in Niagara report provides a snapshot of the quality of life in the Niagara-wide community. The report combines [...]

12 12, 2019

Niagara Region Strategic Plan 2019-2022

2020-11-02T10:01:52-05:00December 12, 2019|Arts, Culture & Heritage, Community Belonging, Community Safety, Economic Prosperity, Environment, Health & Wellness, Housing & Shelter, Learning & Education, People Getting Started (2008 – 2017), Recreation & Sports, Resources & Publications, Transportation & Mobility, Work & Employment|

The purpose of a strategic plan is to guide the work of the organization over a four year period, to [...]