Partners & Projects

Partners & Projects2020-10-27T10:41:20-04:00


United Way of St. Catharines & District’s gennext cabinet is a team of diverse young professionals who care about their community.  Gennext formed in 2010, with a mission to engage the next generation of community leaders in Niagara. We are [...]

October 31, 2013|Tags: , , |


NEXTNiagara is a panel of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce, led by young professionals and community leaders from across the Niagara region. NEXTNiagara is committed to seeing Niagara grow as a vibrant, prosperous community where the next generation can [...]

October 31, 2013|Tags: , , , |


The 1 Less Trip campaign is designed around the simple concept of persuading consumers to take one less cross-border shopping trip than they normally would in an attempt to shift shopping habits towards the local retail economy. With cross-border shopping [...]

September 25, 2013|Tags: , |

Leadership Niagara

Leadership Niagara is a community-owned initiative supported by Niagara’s most-recognized organizations and businesses, all of which are dedicated to building stronger leaders within our community. Currently, Leadership Niagara is accepting applications for the following: 1. 2013-2014 Leadership Cohort: Leadership Niagara is [...]

August 8, 2013|Tags: |