NEXTNiagara is a panel of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce, led by young professionals and community leaders from across the Niagara region. NEXTNiagara is committed to seeing Niagara grow as a vibrant, prosperous community where the next generation can live, work and stay. The group’s mission is to act as the voice of the emerging generation in Niagara through engagement, leadership and advocacy. Priorities include:


  • Connecting the emerging generation to learning, community and career opportunities in Niagara
  • Fostering greater community involvement by mobilizing the emerging generation to be active in their community
  • Providing the emerging generation with opportunities to build their contacts in the community
  • Distributing information to the emerging generation in Niagara


  • Facilitating greater participation from the emerging generation in leadership roles in the community — through representation of committees, boards and community organizations
  • Actively promoting leadership among the emerging generation through learning opportunities and mentorship
  • Providing the emerging generation with the opportunity to dialogue with community leaders through speakers’ series and other events to promote community leadership


  • Promoting issues of importance to the emerging generation to government, business and the community at large
  • Advocating on behalf of the emergiing generation in Niagara
  • Developing ways to cultivate and retain young talent
  • Building the profile of NEXTNiagara as a representative of the emerging generation at local municipal councils and business communities in Niagara.

The work of NEXTNiagara is also highlighted in the Sustainable Niagara Action Database.

Graham Lowe
Policy Analyst
Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce

Phone: (905) 684-2362 Ext. 228