This summary of major Age-Friendly needs assessment research completed in Niagara over the past decade is provided by the Age-Friendly Niagara Network (AFNN), in partnership with INCommunities and Niagara Connects. The document raises awareness of the growing Age-Friendly Community Planning movement across Niagara, and the impact being achieved by the AFNN Collaborative of Local Municipal Seniors/Age-Friendly Advisory Committees.

The report draws a Niagara-wide picture of Age-Friendly Community Planning research completed across Niagara’s municipalities, highlights common themes, and contributes to the reliable pool of evidence established by the AFNN.

It outlines:
-major Niagara-focused Age-Friendly Community Planning research completed by both the AFNN and the 11 local municipal Seniors and Age-Friendly Advisory Committees that now exist across Niagara;
-what has been done to embed Age-Friendly planning principles in municipalities across the region from 2010 to 2020; and
-opportunities to advance the work of strengthening Niagara as a welcoming community for everyone, regardless of age, ability, need or capacity, to be included in all aspects of community life.

Published By: Age-Friendly Niagara Network, in partnership with INCommunities and Niagara Connects

Publication Date: December, 2020

To View The Report: Click Here