The Niagara Knowledge Exchange (NKE) was built by the Niagara-wide community as a reliable tool to fast-track searches for relevant, reliable Niagara-focused knowledge to support planning, connecting with partners, and spark new ideas.

Try these tips for getting the most from the NKE:

1. Prioritize regular NKE visits in your work plan and calendar. The NKE is updated daily. Keep on top of what’s new and happening in and across the Living in Niagara quality of life Sectors by visiting often.

2. Reach out to our Knowledge Mobilization Team. Connecting people to people and people to resources is our role. Whether you are seeking information, would like to share a resource, or simply want to start on your NKE journey, e-mail us for assistance.

3. Share and link to event dates. The Niagara Community Calendar on the NKE platform is a tool to assist with research, best-practice learning, evidence-informed planning and knowledge exchange. Share information about events you are hosting, such as:

  • Learning events that enable evidence-informed collaboration, decision making and planning
  • Events that are Niagara-wide in scope and thus organizations may wish to plan their own activities accordingly
  • Workshops, conferences, or speakers’ series that are intended to increase professional capacity

Leverage the Calendar to:

  • Know what is going on Niagara-wide
  • See the rhythm of activity in your community
  • Identify and register for events of interest
  • Plan your own organization and/or network’s activities around previously scheduled events

4. Post your organization’s annual report, network report card, project summary, research, or success story!  Engaging others in your work will help you to achieve great outcomes. Sharing via the NKE spotlights what you are doing, and informs others’ planning. It also positions your evidence to inform the Living in Niagara quality of life report.

5. Suggest a learning topic. Our Knowledge Mobilization Team is always looking for ideas for virtual and in-person learning events of interest to the Niagara-wide community. If you have a great idea, and would like to connect with the Niagara Connects network of people, please reach out to us at

6. Understand the current context in Niagara. The Resources & Publications area of the NKE catalogues resources and publications that will support, guide, and inform collaboration and decision-making in Niagara. The Resources & Publications catalogue will help you to:

  • Understand current trends, issues, and data related to each of the Living in Niagara quality of life Sectors;
  • Use this information to build the business case for strengthening your projects and work;
  • Identify collaborative topics that cross multiple sectors; and
  • Consider how your work fits into the current context.

7. Avoid duplication and mobilize around common issues. The Partners & Projects area of the NKE features projects, networks, councils, and working groups around Niagara that are dedicated to accelerating positive change and making a collective impact in our community. Utilize this part of the NKE to link to others, to:

  • Partner on common projects
  • Mobilize around common issues
  • Share resources
  • Explore collaborative opportunities
  • Replicate successes
  • Avoid duplicating what is already being done

8. Write a community blog, or suggest a topic. The Niagara Community Blog area of the NKE prompts discussion around new ideas, hot topics, best practices, and upcoming opportunities to connect Niagara-wide.

9. Become a Niagara Connects Subscriber. Everyone can access all the information on the NKE free of charge. Subscribers choose to invest in the work of Niagara Connects because the knowledge tools we produce fast-track community engagement, access to relevant, reliable Niagara-focused evidence on topics of common concern, planning information, and knowledge-sharing toward a stronger future for Niagara. If you are interested in a Subscription please reach out to us at

10. Enjoy! People from dozens of community groups, institutions, and businesses in Niagara have worked together to construct, beta-test and refine the NKE. It’s a beautiful tool, built by the Niagara- wide community. Strengthen the work that you do by taking the time to discover how best to leverage the NKE.

The Niagara Connects Team
Connect with us at: