As Vineland Research and Innovation Centre approaches its tenth anniversary, it’s the right time to talk about progress.

In 2007, Vineland was a new concept, an independent research organization set up with a focus on creating impact for the Canadian horticulture sector. Impact in this context means acres in the field, shelf space in the grocery store. It means profitable farms and greenhouses, exports, new businesses, jobs and environmental gains.

Today Vineland’s most obvious achievement has been rebuilding the centre into a thriving hub of horticultural research. Almost 100 full-time staff have been added, abandoned laboratories have been renovated and outfitted with the latest scientific equipment and our new pre-commercial greenhouse is full to capacity. This in itself is good news for the horticulture sector but what is most exciting is the impact Vineland’s work is generating. Horticultural research timelines can be long and commercialization challenging. As Vineland has grown, they have refined their approach and developed innovative processes to keep the impact of research and innovation front and centre. The effort and the investment are beginning to pay off.

Published By: Vineland

Publication Date: 2016

View Vineland’s Impact Report