This annual progress report outlines the progress made in implementing the source protection plan for the Niagara Peninsula Source Protection Area, as required by the Clean Water Act and regulations.The goal of the plan is to protect drinking water quality at its source, and stop contaminants from getting into sources of drinking water (lakes, rivers and aquifers).

Source Water is defined as: water in its natural or raw state, prior to being withdrawn into the drinking water system. A Water Source is defined as: an aquifer or surface water body being used to supply drinking water.

The Niagara Peninsula Source Protection Plan came into effect October 1, 2014. With the approval of the plan, the Source Protection Committee is now focused on tasks that deal with the implementation of the plan. This includes reviewing annual progress reports summarizing the progress made by various stakeholders in implementing the policies of the plan, and overseeing any technical updates as required.

Published By: Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority

Publication Date: April 2017

View Source Protection Annual Progress Report