This resource is intended to:

  • provide directors of not-for-profit corporations with guidance that both alerts them to their basic legal rights and obligations and provides them with some simple tools to help them exercise those rights and meet those obligations;
  • provide prospective directors with a good understanding of their potential responsibility should they agree to serve on the governing body of a not-for-profit corporation, and advice on what to ask in order to make an informed decision on whether or not to take on that responsibility;
  • provide staff and volunteers working with boards with an outline of the role of directors in a not-for-profit corporation and a ready tool to share with the members of their governing bodies and colleagues to ensure a common understanding of who does what, how, and why.

Questions and checklists are included in each chapter to assist readers in addressing the issues raised in the text.

Published By: Industry Canada

Publication Date: 2002

View Primer for Directors of Not-for-Profit Corporations