Excellence Canada’s Mental Health at Work® program serves as a roadmap for organizations in any sector that wish to encourage, support, and implement exemplary mental health-related programs in the workplace.

The Mental Health at Work® progressive program has been developed in four levels to make it easier for organizations to implement with a staged approach. This program is called PEP (Progressive Excellence Program®).

Excellence Canada’s PEP for Mental Health at Work® consists of a framework, requirements, and a proven methodology for measuring progressive improvements towards achieving a sustained psychologically healthy and safe workplace. It also provides the opportunity to benchmark with some of Canada’s most successful organizations.

At Level 1, Excellence Canada requires application submission only, describing how the organization meets the Requirements at that level.

For Levels 2 to 4, a submission as well as a site visit by a team of verification professionals will be required. An on-line staff survey will also be required by Excellence Canada. The intention of this brief survey is to ensure broad participation at a basic level to support the verification process.

Published By: Excellence Canada, bonita@excellence.ca

Publication Date: January 2014

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