Great Lakes DataStream is an open-access platform for sharing information on freshwater health. It brings together water quality datasets collected by monitoring groups throughout the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence Basin.

The mission is to promote knowledge sharing across watersheds and advance collaborative decision-making, so our waters remain healthy for generations to come. DataStream was developed by The Gordon Foundation and is delivered in collaboration with regional monitoring networks. The Gordon Foundation is a philanthropic charity with a longstanding commitment to protecting Canada’s water.

DataStream was first piloted in the Mackenzie Basin through a unique collaboration between The Gordon Foundation and the Government of the Northwest Territories, Mackenzie DataStream’s Founding Partner. Today, Mackenzie DataStream is integral to the delivery of the Northwest Territories Water Strategy. The success of DataStream throughout the Mackenzie Basin has allowed this model to be expanded to Atlantic Canada, the Lake Winnipeg Basin and the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence region

In 2020, DataStream received its own charitable status, and The Gordon Foundation remains committed to supporting its long-term success. The vision is for DataStream to become a pan-Canadian platform with regional hubs across the country to support local needs.

DataStream’s Approach includes:

Collaboration – a space to bring a growing community of water champions together, to better care for the waters we share.

Interoperability – designed to be as compatible as possible with existing data standards and emerging web technologies. This enables diverse programs and complementary
systems to work together (inter-operate).

Sustainability – Caring for our waters requires long-term thinking. DataStream is committed to ensuring it is sustainable over time, to provide a safe and secure home for
water quality data.

Accessibility – an open-access space, meaning it’s free and open for anyone to use. DataStream works closely with data stewards and partners to continually improve, to be
as user-friendly as possible.

Published By: Great Lakes DataStream
Publication Date: 2021

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