This digital flyer has clickable links to the websites of 10 Team-based care providers in Niagara, to help people to take advantage of these providers’ health and wellness groups and education sessions, which are open to the community.

Aboriginal Health Centres (AHCs), Community Health Centres (CHCs) and Family Health Teams (FHTs) are all examples of Team-based care. Their care teams include many different types of providers, who work together to meet clients’ needs, as well as provide health and wellness education and services within the community.

Niagara’s AHC, CHCs and FHTs are working together to plan and promote services to meet the needs of their clients and communities. Even if you aren’t a client of an AHC, CHC, or FHT you can still take advantage of many of their health and wellness groups and education sessions which are open to the community.

Published By: Team-based care providers in Niagara

Publication Date: May, 2023

Click here to access Discover Niagara’s Team-based care providers