This 2-page brief was prepared to inform all candidates in Niagara who are running in the 2022 Ontario election about the importance of ensuring our community is responsive to the needs of everyone as we age.

The brief encourages candidates to:

  • be informed about the valuable contributions today’s older adults make to the community,
  • be aware of their socio-economic impact as workers (volunteer and paid work), consumers and philanthropists; and to
  • support the significant progress being made toward Age-Friendly Community planning in all local areas of Niagara.

The shared vision of the Age-Friendly Niagara Council and Niagara Older Adult Alliance is to ensure that all people, regardless of age, ability, need or capacity, are included in all aspects of community life.

Published By: Age-Friendly Niagara Council

Publication Date: May, 2022

Click here to access Age-Friendly Niagara 2022 Provincial Candidate Brief