The Best and Worst Places to be a Woman in Canada 2015 report explores the gender gap in Canada’s 25 biggest cities. This report ranks each city based on a comparison of how men and women are faring in five different areas: economic security, leadership, health, personal security, and education. The report focuses primarily on the gap between men and women, rather than their overall levels of well-being. It does so in order to measure the difference between the access women and men have to the public goods available in their community, not the overall wealth of a community.

Niagara-specific information is on page 32 of this report.

Note to Reader:

  • The CANSIM tables upon which most of the statistics in this report are based are classified by Canadian “Census Metropolitan Areas” (CMA’s). The CMA known as St. Catharines-Niagara does not cover the whole of the Niagara Region – i.e. it does not include the Town of Grimsby or the Township of West Lincoln.
  • The 2011 National Household Survey (NHS) for the St. Catharines-Niagara CMA had a global non-response rate of about 29%, which may affect the reliability of the statistics cited. This is related to the change in the 2011 NHS, resulting from the federal government decision to do away with the mandatory long-form census.

Published By:

    1. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Publication Date:

    1. July, 2015

View The Best and Worst Places to be a Woman in Canada 2015