Engaged partners communicate, contribute and are proactive. True partnerships offer opportunities to share expertise and resources; innovatively address complex issues; build referral pathways; and fill gaps in programs and services. These are among the lessons learned by 57 people from 44 organizations participating in the May 9, 2017 True Partnerships Training Day.

Strengthening our ability to identify and engage in true partnerships is a priority for the work of the Niagara Mental Health and Addictions Charter; the South Niagara EDs’ Forum; and #Rethink Niagara: Taking a Systems Approach to Investing in People.

The training day was hosted by Niagara Connects, in partnership with the United Ways in the Niagara region; the Niagara Community Foundation; and the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Enette Pauze of Level 8 Leadership Institute facilitated the group’s understanding of Value-Based Partnership principles.

Click here to download a one-page summary of what participants learned, and their priorities for next steps. Plans are underway to bring Enette back to Niagara, for a half-day training session focusing on:

  • Partnership Engagement; and
  • Addressing ‘the Elephants in the Room’

Please reach out to us if you’d like to learn more.

Mary Wiley,
Executive Director,
Niagara Connects