Art at the Pumphouse

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View the works of professional artists & artisans exhibiting a wide range of original creations including paintings, photography, sculpture, woodwork, glass, textiles, jewellery and more. Over 60 artists will be participating in the in-person and online event.

Mark your calendars for the in-person event on August 5th & 6th! View original art available for purchase and meet the artists & artisans onsite outdoors while enjoying the riverside scenery. Take a break from the summer heat and step inside our building for more one-of-a-kind pieces on display and available for sale in our galleries.

Talented musicians including the duo Steve Goldberger & Andrew Aldridge, The NOTL Ukesters, and more local talents will provide musical entertainment from the stage in our rose garden.

Stay and enjoy a delicious meal and refreshments by Pig Out Catering. Wine and beer will be available for sale.

Can’t make it to the in-person event? An online show runs from July 17th to August 13th. Visit for more info.

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