The Road to Empowerment is a community development project coordinated by three Niagara region Community Health Centres (CHCs): Bridges Community Health Centre (Fort Erie and Port Colborne), Niagara Falls Community Health Centre and Quest Community Health Centre (St Catharines). The project received two years of funding through the Niagara Prosperity Initiative in late 2012 to develop and deliver workshops and community initiatives focused on empowering people with the lived experience of poverty with skills to better self advocate and to advocate for action on the structural causes of poverty. Through skills training and resource sharing participants are becoming leaders who will be guided and supported to take collective action and advocacy on poverty-related issues through a variety of strategies and opportunities.

This summary captures the work completed during the two year funding cycle of the project. However, the work of Road to Empowerment will continue beyond the project funding cycle through support from the original CHC project partners an on-going partnership development.

Published By: Bridges Community Health Centre, Niagara Falls Community Health Centre & Quest Community Health Centre

Publication Date: January 2015

View The Road to Empowerment Final Summary Report