“In Canada, family caregivers provide roughly three-quarters of all patient care. A 2009 estimate put their contributions to the healthcare system at $25 billion per year1. However, if we consider that caregivers provide an average of 11-30 hours of care per week, using the current minimum wage of $14/hour in Ontario, their contributions add up to between $26 and $72 billion a year.”

This report sets out to better understand the experience, profile and needs of family caregivers in Ontario. It explores:

  • who caregivers are caring for;
  • what tasks caregivers are responsible for;
  • where caregivers are turning for information and support;
  • how caregiving impacts the lives of both the caregiver and the care receiver;
  • how caregivers feel about their role as part of the healthcare team; and
  • what additional supports or information could help caregivers in their role.

Published By: The Change Foundation

Publication Date: November 2018

View Spotlight on Ontario’s Caregivers