This report summarizes the findings of a national survey of 1,089 charities conducted between November 3 and December 2, 2020.  Beyond providing essential services to millions, Canada’s nonprofit sector is a critical engine of economic growth and jobs.

Nonprofits and charities account for 8.5% of GDP and employ 2.4 million Canadians, of which 70% are women.

Key survey findings include:

  • Charities are experiencing a growing gap between demand and capacity, with organizations being stretched to do more while grappling with staff and volunteer shortages. The increased pressure is taking a toll on employees.
  • The financial situation of most organizations remains fragile, despite a slight improvement since the spring of 2020. Organizations are unevenly impacted, depending on their revenue model.
  • Support measures introduced by the federal government are playing a significant role in preserving employment within charities. To operate at their current level, a significant number of charities are reliant on programs (the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy in particular).
  • Organizations are adapting, innovating, and demonstrating resilience, but their long-term sustainability may be at risk.
  • The diversity of the sector is being challenged; some groups have been particularly affected by social distancing measures and revenue shortfalls. This threatens the diversity of programs and services offered to communities.
  • Charities are more likely to be pessimistic rather than optimistic when forecasting their financial situation, even though they reported a more positive situation than in the early stages of the pandemic.

Published By:  Imagine Canada

Publication Date: February, 2021

Click here to view: Sector Monitor Report