Our non-profit workforce, as a whole, is both “burnt out” and “on fire”. This 2-page issue brief highlights issues that are leading to crisis-level labour shortages in our precious non-profit sector workforce.

Did you know:
More than 1 in 5 people in our community are employed in #nonprofit organizations?
The non-profit sector is extremely valuable and contributes to about 8.4% of our national GDP— more than the construction, agricultural or transportation sectors

79% of #nonprofitleaders in #Niagara indicate that hiring and retaining employees is negatively impacted by high rates of staff burnout and skills shortages.

The average senior level manager in a non-profit earns $84,752 while their counterpart in the public & private sectors makes $158,009?— That’s a disparity of more than $73,000

Published By: Workforce Collective
Publication Date: July, 2023

Click here to view report From Burnt Out to On Fire: Supporting our Non-profit Workforce