Over the past few years the Regional Municipality of Niagara Police Service and the community have become increasingly alarmed over the number of fatal injury collisions occurring in Niagara. For this reason it became abundantly evident that an analysis was timely to better understand this concern. The study period consists of the years 1999-2013, inclusive.

Collisions occurring on the Queen Elizabeth Way and the 400 series were not included in this analysis since the Ontario Provincial Police patrol these highways. In total, 419 individuals lost their lives as a result of a fatal collision in Niagara between 1999 and 2013. Over this 15 year period, on average 27.9 people died each year on our roadways.

Prepared By: Paul P. Divers, Ph.D.

Published By: Regional Municipality of Niagara Police Service

Publication Date: May 20114

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