Charitable and nonprofit sector modernization has been the subject of much recent debate and discussion in Canada. The federal government has signalled significant interest in renewing its relationship with the sector.

Recent consultations with sector stakeholders have resurfaced a recurring theme – the importance of creating an enabling environment for the sector. But what could such an enabling environment look like, how do you get there and where do you start?

This paper is the first in Mowat NFP’s Enabling Environment Series, which explores the different dimensions of an ‘Enabling Environment’ in the relationship between the charitable and non-profit sector and government. The paper defines the current challenge in the relationship between the federal government and the nonprofit and charitable sector; explores what an enabling environment could look like; identifies possible priorities; and presents different ways that the government and the sector can work together.

Authors: Lisa Lalande & Joanne Cave

Published By: Mowat NFP

Publication Date: April 2017

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