Poverty and lack of affordable housing affects us all!

The overall housing system and lack of affordable housing, coupled with economic and low employment conditions, affects all Niagara residents. There are some population groups that face additional challenges related to housing and supports such as seniors, new immigrants and refugees, physically and mentally disabled, victims of domestic violence and poverty.

Bethlehem Housing and Support Services is a multi-service organization that provides housing and targeted programs, supports and services for those individuals and families who are designated homeless or at risk of becoming homeless due to issues with poverty, physical disability, mental health, domestic violence and family breakdown. Many of these population groups typically have
lower incomes compared to the population in general. Many must rely on social assistance and this is insufficient to affordably cover average market rents and often require additional supports to allow them to live independently and accessing supports can be another challenge.

Published by: Bethlehem Housing and Support Services, info@bethlehemhousing.ca

Publication Date: July, 2014

View Bethlehem Housing and Support Services Annual Report 2013-14